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Prayer Vigils

UK Cathedrals are being turned into night clubs. We are holding prayer vigils outside to glorify God while His house is desecrated within.

Upcoming Vigils

The following is a list of club nights at Cathedrals that we will accompany with prayer vigils **details of vigil **

  1. Coventry Cathedral 12/4/24 6pm outside the Cathedral

  2. Sheffield Cathedral 19/4/24

  3. St Edmundsbury Cathedral 26/4/24

  4. Llandaff Cathedral (Wales) 25/5/24

  5. Manchester Cathedral 31/5/24

Get involved

Join A Vigil

Join our wonderful prayer vigils
Meet fellow Christians
Demonstrate the Sacred
Let us know which vigil you can attend

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Sign our Petition

Make your voice heard
Anglican Deans: Don't turn our Cathedrals into Nightclubs!



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